Bholi ||Footprints Without Feet|| Class 10 English Chapter 8 Summary
The story of Bholi from the Class 10 NCERT English textbook is about a girl named Bholi, who was neglected by her family due to her appearance and a speech defect. Bholi, whose real name is Sulekha, was called "Bholi" (which means simpleton) because of her shy and timid nature.
Born into a traditional family, Bholi faced many challenges. She had pockmarks on her face after a bout of smallpox and developed a stammer, which caused her parents to neglect her, thinking she was of little value. Unlike her siblings, she was not given proper care or attention.
Despite this, Bholi's life takes a significant turn when she is sent to school, more as an obligation than out of concern for her education. Her teacher, however, is kind and encourages her to learn, speak without fear, and build her confidence. Through education and the support of her teacher, Bholi gradually gains self-confidence and learns to stand up for herself.
The climax of the story comes when Bholi's family arranges her marriage to an older man, Bishamber, who demands a dowry. Initially, Bholi's father agrees to the demand out of desperation, but Bholi takes a stand and refuses to marry Bishamber. She rejects the unfair demand for dowry and asserts her right to a respectful life.
The story ends with Bholi deciding to stay unmarried and take care of her parents. She chooses to live her life with dignity and independence, showing how education empowered her to break free from societal norms that oppressed her.
The story highlights the transformative power of education, the importance of self-respect, and the courage to challenge societal injustices like dowry. Bholi’s journey from a neglected, timid girl to a confident and empowered woman is a testament to the role education plays in shaping one's destiny.